configuration settings framework for Qt
KConfig provides an advanced configuration system. It is made of two
parts: KConfigCore, KConfigGui and KConfigQml.
configuration settings framework for Qt
KConfig provides an advanced configuration system. It is made of two
parts: KConfigCore, KConfigGui and KConfigQml.
address book API for KDE frameworks (QML module)
KContacts is an API for address book data.
Issue status and other commands by email for Request Tracker 4
CommandByMail allows commands to be sent to Request Tracker 4
in emails. These are similar to those used by debbugs and allow
tickets to be closed, reassigned, moved between queues and other
Issue status and other commands by email for Request Tracker 5
CommandByMail allows commands to be sent to Request Tracker 5
in emails. These are similar to those used by debbugs and allow
tickets to be closed, reassigned, moved between queues and other