
Open the system file manager and optionally select files in it

The point is not to open the files, but to select them in the file manager, thereby highlighting the files and allowing the user to quickly do something with them.


Typeface designed to mimic the US National Park service signs

A typeface designed to mimic the National Park service signs that are carved using a router bit. Offered in four weights.


binary signature scanning library

libsigscan is a library for binary signature scanning, using simple offset/string-based signatures.


Fork from github-markup GitLab uses to render non markdown content

This gem is used by GitLab to render any non Markdown markup. This library converts the raw markup to HTML. The HTML is sanitized, aggressively removing things that could harm such as `script` tags, inline-styles, and `class` or `id` attributes. Syntax highlighting is performed on code blocks. The HTML is passed through other filters in the html-pipeline that add special sauce, such as emoji.


heterogeneous value maps for OCaml (runtime)

Hmap provides heterogeneous value maps for OCaml. These maps bind keys to values with arbitrary types. Keys witness the type of the value they are bound to which allows one to add and lookup bindings in a type safe manner.


DB-ALL.e C shared library for weather research

DB-All.e is a fast on-disk database where meteorological observed and forecast data can be stored, searched, retrieved and updated.