
CrowdSec bouncer for custom scripts

This package uses the CrowdSec API to fetch the latest decisions periodically, and passes them as arguments to a custom user script.


PostgreSQL Extension Whitelisting

This extension implements extension whitelisting, and will actively prevent users from installing extensions not in the provided list. Also, this extension implements a form of sudo facility in that the whitelisted extensions will get installed as if superuser. Privileges are dropped before handing the control back to the user.


set of PostgreSQL functions to manage blocks in memory

Those functions let you know which and how many disk block from a relation are in the page cache of the operating system, and eventually write the result to a file. Then using this file, it is possible to restore the page cache state for each block of the relation.


astrometric (plate) solver, stacking of images, photometry and FITS viewer

ASTAP is a free stacking and astrometric solver (plate solver) program for deep sky images. In works with astronomical images in the FITS format, but can import RAW DSLR images or XISF, PGM, PPM, TIF, PNG and JPG images. It has a powerful FITS viewer and the native astrometric solver can be used by CCDCiel, NINA, APT or SGP imaging programs to synchronise the mount based on an image taken.


CIRpy is a Python interface for the

Chemical Identifier Resolver (CIR) by the CADD Group at the NCI/NIH. CIR is a web service that will resolve any chemical identifier to another chemical representation.


GNU CLISP module that adds an interface to PARI

GNU CLISP is a Common Lisp implementation. It conforms to the ANSI Common Lisp standard, and offers many extensions. It runs on all desktop operating systems (GNU and Unix systems, macOS, Windows) and is particularly memory-efficient.