
Audio plugin collection from DISTRHO (CLAP plugins)

Collection of DPF-based plugins in CLAP format.


PHP wrapper for libsmbclient

smbclient is a PHP extension that uses Samba's libsmbclient library to provide Samba related functions and 'smb' streams to PHP programs.


Auto-generated gRPC client for KAS

The Kubernetes Agent Server (KAS) is a GitLab backend service dedicated to managing Kubernetes Agents. This gem is the auto-generated gRPC client for it.


GNU C preprocessor

A macro processor that is used automatically by the GNU C compiler to transform programs before actual compilation.


nonlinear least squares minimizer (shared library)

Ceres Solver is an open source C++ library for modeling and solving large, complicated optimization problems. It is a feature rich, mature and performant library which has been used in production at Google since 2010.


raphf module for PHP

A reusable split-off of pecl_http persistent handle and resource factory API.