
Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Ukrainian Translit table

Fcitx is a input method framework with extension support, which provides an interface for entering characters of different scripts in applications using a variety of mapping systems.


Coq library for big numbers

This package provides big numbers (natural numbers, integers and rationals) in Coq, as BigN, BigZ and BigQ, which used to be part of the standard library.


Direct linear systems solver (64 bit) - parallel shared libraries

MUMPS implements a direct solver for large sparse linear systems, with a particular focus on symmetric positive definite matrices. It can operate on distributed matrices e.g. over a cluster. It has Fortran and C interfaces, and can interface with ordering tools such as Scotch.


Direct linear systems solver (64 bit) - Scotch-version shared libraries

MUMPS implements a direct solver for large sparse linear systems, with a particular focus on symmetric positive definite matrices. It can operate on distributed matrices e.g. over a cluster. It has Fortran and C interfaces, and can interface with ordering tools such as Scotch.


C++ Implementation of the Jupyter Kernel protocol (library)

xeus enables custom kernel authors to implement Jupyter kernels more easily. It takes the burden of implementing the Jupyter Kernel protocol so developers can focus on implementing the interpreter part of the Kernel.


hierarchical matrix C/C++ library (shared library)

This library allows one to compute hierarchical matrices, which are tools from numerical mathematics used to approximate non-sparse matrices.