
1D globalization capabilities - runtime files

The GlobiPack package contains a set of interfaces and implementations for 1D globalization capabilities to be used in nonlinear solvers, optimization solvers, and similar algorithms that require globalization methods (e.g. line search and trust region methods). Basic interfaces and a few implementations are present for 1D line search methods appropritate for Newton, quasi-Newton, and nonlinear CG algorithms.


compatible discretizations of PDEs - runtime files

Intrepid is a library of interoperable tools for compatible discretizations of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). Intrepid is intended primarily for application developers who want to reuse large parts of their existing code frameworks such as I/O, data structures, assembly routines, etc. while gaining access to advanced discretization capabilities provided by Intrepid.


Trilinos Kokkos programming model - runtime files

Kokkos implements a programming model in C++ for writing performance portable applications targeting all major HPC platforms. For that purpose it provides abstractions for both parallel execution of code and data management. Kokkos is designed to target complex node architectures with N-level memory hierarchies and multiple types of execution resources. It currently can use OpenMP, Pthreads and CUDA as backend programming models.


complex linear solver package - runtime files

Komplex is a complex linear solver package. Solves complex-valued linear systems via equivalent real formulations.


robust solution of nonlinear equations - runtime files

NOX robustly solves and analyzes large-scale systems of nonlinear equations. NOX is short for Nonlinear Object-Oriented Solutions, and its objective is to enable the robust and efficient solution of the equation: F(x)=0 using globalized Newton methods such as line search and trust region methods. NOX is designed to work with any linear algebra package and to be easily customized.


hexahedral and quadrilateral mesh generator - runtime files

PAMGEN creates hexahedral or quadrilateral (in 2D) finite element meshes of simple shapes (cubes and cylinders) in parallel. When linked to an application as a library, it allows each process of a parallel simulation to generate its finite element domain representation at execution time.