pytest helpers for WTForms
WTForms-Test provides various pytest unittest helpers for testing WTForms
based forms. Includes checks for a field's existence on a form, and various
attributes on a field such as: validators, min/max length, description,
optional/required, etc...
asynchronous Python 3 Bindings for Qt 6 (QML plugin)
A Qt 6 QML Plugin that provides access to a Python 3 interpreter from QML.
Utility library for background images - runtime files
The gnome-desktop set of libraries provides various utility functions
that are used in multiple components of the GNOME desktop, but do not
have a sufficiently stable API to be included in core libraries such
as GLib and GTK.
LSP (Linux Studio Plugins) r3d-glx library
Linux Studio Plugins (LSP) provides a collection of audio effects,
synthesizers, and a selection of audio tools for music and sound
production. It provides standalone JACK clients and integrates
into the LV2, CLAP, LADSPA, VST3 and VST2 plugin frameworks.
evented I/O for V8 javascript - runtime library
Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily
building fast, scalable network applications. Node.js uses an
event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and
efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run
across distributed devices.
Pan Tilt Zoom camera controls for OBS
This plugin adds a PTZ camera control panel to OBS that can control multiple
cameras, and can automatically change selected camera based on the currently
active preview or program scene.