
Support library for rendering with opengl.

Provides plugins for driving an opengl output, rendering the drawing on opengl.


HyperLogLog extension for PostgreSQL

This PostgreSQL module introduces a new data type `hll` which is a HyperLogLog data structure. HyperLogLog is a fixed-size, set-like structure used for distinct value counting with tunable precision. For example, in 1280 bytes `hll` can estimate the count of tens of billions of distinct values with only a few percent error.


Apertium translation data for the English-Spanish pair

Data package providing Apertium language resources for translating between the English and Spanish languages.


Lomiri VPN-related settings components

Lomiri settings components for Lomiri Desktop Environment


Hypothesis strategies for generating Python programs, something like CSmith

This package provides two Hypothesis strategies for generating Python source code. The generated code will always be syntatically valid, and is useful for testing parsers, linters, auto-formatters, and other tools that operate on source code.


Apertium translation data for the Icelandic-Swedish pair

Data package providing Apertium language resources for translating between the Icelandic and Swedish languages.