
Geometry engine for Geographic Information Systems - C++ Library

GEOS provides a spatial object model and fundamental geometric functions. It implements the geometry model defined in the OpenGIS Consortium Simple Features Specification for SQL. Functions provided include:


Fast lexer to extract named exports from EcmaScript modules

node-es-module-lexer outputs the list of exports and locations of import specifiers, including dynamic import and import meta handling.


UPnP IGD client lightweight library

The UPnP protocol is supported by most home adsl/cable routers and Microsoft Windows 2K/XP. The aim of the MiniUPnP project is to bring a free software solution to support the "Internet Gateway Device" part of the protocol. The MediaServer/MediaRenderer UPnP protocol is also becoming very popular.


Qt 6 Quick Particle QML module

Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature is its rich set of widgets that provide standard GUI functionality.


Coq plugin to extract dependencies between Coq objects

This package provides a plugin for Coq to extract dependencies between Coq objects and produce files with dependency information.


Qt 6 Quick Dialogs 2 Quick Impl library

Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature is its rich set of widgets that provide standard GUI functionality.