
Zild Database Library [runtime]

A small and easy to use database API written in C.


Text-based, cross-platform Keyboard Layout Maker

Kalamine is capable of generating *.xkb_symbols files (root) and *.xkb_keymap files (user) from keyboard layouts stored in a text format. The layouts can both be used in and Wayland graphical environments.


Asyncio client for the Awair GraphQL and Local APIs

An asyncio-based library for accessing parts of Awair's REST API. It supports listing devices, retrieving user information, and querying various sensor data over different timeframes. The package adopts an object-oriented approach to data handling and querying. Note that the Device API, Organization API, and device management functionalities are not supported.


fast version of fnv1a

This package provides a Python library which is a fast version of fnv1a. It use a CPP implementation of fnv1a (32) if cython is available, and will fallback to pure python from the fnvhash package if it is not.


Pure Python FNV hash implementation

This package provides a pure Python implementation of the FNV_ hash family with 100% test coverage. Take a look at pyhash_ for use cases where performance is more important than portability.


Python GeoRSS client library

This library provides tools to build concrete libraries for convenient access to GeoRSS Feeds. It enables users to extract relevant information from various GeoRSS feeds, which may contain different levels of information or present their data in unique ways. This includes feed managers that help manage updates over time, notifying the consumer about new entries, updates, and removed entries. The library ensures efficient data retrieval and management from GeoRSS feeds, providing structured data for further processing.