
text styling for ANSI terminals; profiling libraries

Text styling for ANSI terminals using SGR codes, as defined by the ECMA-48 standard.


QuickCheck common typeclasses; profiling libraries

This library provides QuickCheck properties to ensure that typeclass instances adhere to the set of laws that they are supposed to. There are other libraries that do similar things, such as `genvalidity-hspec` and `checkers`. This library differs from other solutions by not introducing any new typeclasses that the user needs to learn.


simple symmetric cryptography for the modern age (runtime)

Mirage-crypto provides symmetric ciphers (DES, AES, RC4, ChaCha20/Poly1305), and hashes (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2).


pure-Python module to identify files by their magic signature

Puremagic is a pure-Python module to identify files by their magic numbers. It is fast, lightweight, minimalistic, cross-platform, and doesn't have dependencies. It can serve as a stand-in for python-magic, but its own magic_file() and magic_string() function are more powerful and also display a confidence score and possible duplicate matches.


OS abstraction layer

Gwenhywfar allows porting of your software to different operating systems like Linux, *BSD, Windows etc. It also provides some often needed modules such as configuration file handling, simple XML file parsing, IPC etc.


Library for interacting with the Mailgun API

This library provides functionality for sending emails through Mailgun's API. It allows you to easily integrate Mailgun's email capabilities into your applications by providing methods to send emails, handle webhooks, and manage your Mailgun configuration.