
Nagios plugin check_logfiles

check_logfiles: Plugin for Nagios which scans log files for specific patterns. Features: - Detection of rotations - usually nightly logfiles are rotated and compressed. Each operating system or company has it’s own naming scheme. If this rotation is done between two runs of check_logfiles also the rotated archive has to be scanned to avoid gaps. The most common rotation schemes are predefined but you can describe any strategy (shortly: where and under which name is a logfile archived). - More than one pattern can be defined which again can be classified as warning patterns and critical patterns. - Triggered actions - Usually nagios plugins return just an exit code and a line of text, describing the result of the check. Sometimes, however, you want to run some code during the scan every time you got a hit. Check_logfiles lets you call scripts either after every hit or at the beginning or the end of it’s runtime. - Exceptions - If a pattern matches, the matched line could be a very special case which should not be counted as an error. You can define exception patterns which are more specific versions of your critical/warning patterns. Such a match would then cancel an alert. - Thresholds - You can define the number of matching lines which are necessary to activate an alert. - Protocol - The matching lines can be written to a protocol file the name of which will be included in the plugin’s output. - Macros - Pattern definitions and logfile names may contain macros, which are resolved at runtime. - Performance data - The number of lines scanned and the number of warnings/criticals is output. - Windows - The plugin works with Unix as well as with Windows (e.g. with ActiveState Perl).



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