
Setup an onion routing proxy

This package uses Python stem library to provide a connection through the onion router and set up proxy in user session, so you don't have to mess up with TOR on your system anymore.


Xerial's SQLite JDBC Driver (jni)

SQLite JDBC, developed by Taro L. Saito, is a library for accessing and creating SQLite database files in Java.


lightweight console printing and formatting toolkit for Python3

This package is still a work in progress and aims to bundle those utilities in a standardised way so they can be shared across several other projects like for instance spaCy. It's super lightweight, has zero dependencies.


LXD guest agent

This package provides an agent to run inside LXD virtual machine guests.


high-order concurrent separation logic framework for Coq

This package provides a high-order concurrent separation logic framework for Coq, which means it is useful to reason about safety of concurrent programs.


Telepathy - QtContacts bridge for contacts (plugin shared library)

contactsd is a service for collecting and observing changes in roster list from all the users telepathy accounts (buddies, their status and presence information), and store it to QtContacts.