
Coq tactic to use Gappa for floating-point goals

This package provides a Coq tactic to discharge goals about floating-point arithmetic and round-off errors to Gappa.


C++ Runtime API and Kernel Language for AMD and NVIDIA GPUs

HIP (Heterogeneous Interface for Portability) is a C++ Runtime API and Kernel Language that allows developers to create portable applications for AMD and NVIDIA GPUs from single source code.


CLI tool and Python utility functions for manipulating SQLite

Feature highlights:


flake8 plugin to call black as a code style validator

This is flake8 plugin for validating Python code style with the command line code formatting tool Black.


ORFEO Toolbox library - OTBLearningBase

ORFEO Toolbox (OTB) is distributed as an open source library of image processing algorithms. OTB is based on the medical image processing library ITK and offers particular functionalities for remote sensing image processing in general and for high spatial resolution images in particular.


window buttons, title & menu on Xfce panel

This plugin allows adding buttons, title and menu for either active or maximized windows to the panel, separately.