computer vision Clustering and Search in Multi-Dimensional spaces library
This package contains the OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) clustering and
search in Multi-Dimensional spaces runtime libraries.
Determine whether a shared library is available to be loaded by Raku
This module provides a mechanism that will determine whether a named
shared library is available and can be used by NativeCall.
Python 3 bindings for 64-bit SLEPc 3.18 libraries (complex numbers)
SLEPc is the Scalable Library for Eigenvalue Problem Computations.
Python 3 bindings for SLEPc 3.18 libraries (real numbers)
SLEPc is the Scalable Library for Eigenvalue Problem Computations.
hierarchical matrix C/C++ library (shared library)
This library allows one to compute hierarchical matrices, which are tools from
numerical mathematics used to approximate non-sparse matrices.
Python bindings for Qt 6 SVG module
Qt SVG API provides classes for rendering and displaying SVG drawings in
widgets and on other paint devices.