
APRS to DAPNET portal

This portal serves as a bridge between the APRS Automatic Packet Reporting System and the DAPNET Decentralized Amateur Paging Network platform. It allows APRS users to relay their APRS messages and alerts to their DAPNET pager. This integration enables seamless communication between two distinct radio communication systems, enhancing the reach and accessibility of critical information for amateur radio enthusiasts.


Remote GUI for transmission-daemon

Tremotesf is yet another, but modern (first-released in 2016) cross-platfom GUI for Transmission daemon written in C++ and Qt.


JavaScript engine library from WebKitGTK

JavaScriptCore is the JavaScript engine used in WebKit. It consists of the following building blocks: lexer, parser, start-up interpreter (LLInt), baseline JIT, a low-latency optimizing JIT (DFG), and a high-throughput optimizing JIT (FTL).


backend library for GNOME Online Accounts

This package contains the GNOME Online Accounts service, which provides a centralized place for managing online accounts (Google, etc) for the GNOME desktop.


GL widget library for Athena and Motif -- runtime

This package provides a simple widgets library, libGLw, which allows Motif-based applications to embed an OpenGL drawing context.


Gauche runtime shared library

Gauche is a Scheme implementation developed to be a handy script interpreter.