OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK)
OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications,
applets, and components using the Java programming language.
OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK) (headless)
OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications,
applets, and components using the Java programming language.
Task scheduler for heterogeneous multicore machines
StarPU is a runtime system that offers support for heterogeneous
multicore machines. While many efforts are devoted to design efficient
computation kernels for those architectures (e.g. to implement BLAS
kernels on GPUs or on Cell's SPUs), StarPU not only takes care of
offloading such kernels (and implementing data coherency across
the machine), but it also makes sure the kernels are executed as
efficiently as possible.
Runtime library for GNU Go applications
Library needed for GNU Go applications linked against the
shared library.
Preparation of protein structures for electrostatics calculations
PDB2PQR is a Python software package that automates many of the common
tasks of preparing structures for continuum electrostatics calculations.
It thus provides a platform-independent utility for converting protein files
in PDB format to PQR format. These tasks include:
* Adding a limited number of missing heavy atoms to biomolecular structures
* Determining side-chain pKas
* Placing missing hydrogens
* Optimizing the protein for favorable hydrogen bonding
* Assigning charge and radius parameters from a variety of force fields