
Implementation of the Actor Model in C++, I/O library

The actor-framework library facilitates writing applications based on the actor model in C++. It aims to be lightweight, distributed and simple.


shared libraries for the AfterStep window manager

AfterStep is a window manager based on FVWM which attempts to emulate the NEXTSTEP look and feel, while retaining the configurability of its predecessor. Note that this window manager makes extensive use of the color palette. If you have only an 8-bit color display, it will run as packaged, but you may want to modify the configuration to use fewer colors.


Akonadi search core library

Internal library used to search in the Akonadi PIM data server. This package contains the core library.


Akonadi search debug library

Internal library used to search in the Akonadi PIM data server. This package contains the debug library.


Akonadi search library

Library used to search in the Akonadi PIM data server.


Akonadi search xapian library

Internal library used to search in the Akonadi PIM data server. This package contains the xapian library.