
FreeRDP Remote Desktop Protocol shadow libraries

FreeRDP is a libre client/server implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).


Better mock for file I/O

The MockOpen class should work as a stand-in replacement for mock.mock_open with some added features (though it tries to conform to how the builtin 'open' works where the two differ).


Using wayland as a client library

Using wayland as a client (uwac) is a library to provide common functionality for wayland clients.


Algebraic Number Theory In C - libs

ANTIC is an Algebraic Number Theory library In C.


Symfony Yunpian Notifier Bridge

The Symfony Yunpian Notifier Bridge provides Yunpian integration for Symfony Notifier.


GObject introspection data for the libgpaste-2 library

GPaste manages clipboard history and allows easy access to it using keyboard shortcuts, gnome-shell extension, command-line tools, gir bindings.