
type-driven generic aeson instance customisation; profiling libraries

This package provides a newtype wrapper with FromJSON/ToJSON instances customisable via a phantom type parameter. The instances can be rendered to the original type using DerivingVia.


integer roots and perfect powers; profiling libraries

Calculating integer roots and testing perfect powers of arbitrary precision.


Linux Input Event Device Emulation Library

The evemu library and tools are used to describe devices, record data, create emulation devices and replay data from kernel evdev (input event) devices.


Client library for evolution calendars

Evolution is the integrated mail, calendar, task and address book distributed suite from Novell, Inc.


graphical application sending MIDI Machine Control commands over the network

The MIDI Machine Control specification defines commands like Play, Pause and Record for remote control of audio recording equipment.


barebones, fast LV2 bass enhancement plugin

Speakers found in small devices have trouble reproducing bass and sub-bass faithfully. This is because they are power and space constrained, and cannot move the amount of air required to reproduce such low frequencies at audible volumes. Designers of modern devices get around this problem by taking advantage of the fact that humans are very easy to fool. We generate harmonics of bass and sub-bass frequencies to trick the human brain into thinking there is more bass than there really is.