
GNU R extra recipes steps for dealing with unbalanced data

A dataset with an uneven number of cases in each class is said to be unbalanced. Many models produce a subpar performance on unbalanced datasets. A dataset can be balanced by increasing the number of minority cases using SMOTE 2011 <arXiv:1106.1813>, BorderlineSMOTE 2005 <doi:10.1007/11538059_91> and ADASYN 2008 <https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4633969>. Or by decreasing the number of majority cases using NearMiss 2003 <https://www.site.uottawa.ca/~nat/Workshop2003/jzhang.pdf> or Tomek link removal 1976 <https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4309452>.


Fcitx5 wrapper for Sayura IM engine

fcitx5-sayura is a wrapper of Sayura IM engine for Fcitx5 IM framework.


GNU Rust compiler (cross compiler for armhf architecture)

!!!!! Please note, the compiler is in a very early stage and not usable yet for compiling real Rust programs !!!!!


HTTP(s) proxy http.Agent implementation for HTTP

node-http-proxy-agent provides an http.Agent implementation that connects to a specified HTTP or HTTPS proxy server, and can be used with the built-in http module.


C++ XML parsing library

This package contains the shared version of the TinyXML2 library.


Symfony MessageMedia Notifier Bridge

The Symfony MessageMedia Notifier Bridge provides MessageMedia integration for Symfony Notifier.