complex camera support library (IPA modules)
libcamera is a complex camera support library which handles low-level
control of the camera devices, providing a unified higher-level
programming interface to the applications.
Common library for KDE PIM Autocorrection
This library provides the common parts used across different KDE PIM
Autocorrection components.
conversion from strings to Integer; profiling libraries
The naive "foldl' (\acc d -> acc * 10 + d) 0" is expensive (quadratic) for
large Integers. This package provides a sub-quadratic implementation.
build high-performing platform-independent programs (runtime lib)
Free, open source C++ library, offering some basic functionality to build
high-performing, platform-independent programs. Some of the highlights include:
Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer audio processing library
libags_audio is a tree based audio processing library built upon GObject and
libags. It allows you to do audio processing supporting LADSPA, DSSI and Lv2
plugin support. Audio data is processed multi-threaded.
Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer widget library
libags_gui is a widget library built upon Gtk+-4.0.
It contains widgets like
- dial
- indicator
- cartesian
- ruler