
node-webpack plugin to manage third-party license

node-license-webpack-plugin provides a node-webpack plugin to manage third-party license compliance in webpack builds.


Data Plane Development Kit (librte-net-mlx5 runtime library)

DPDK is a set of libraries for fast packet processing. Applications run in user-space and communicate directly with dedicated network interfaces.


ADI tool for interfacing with the ADALM2000

libm2k is a C++ library for interfacing with the ADALM2000. These M2K components represent the functionalities of ADALM2000:
play music from the commandline


play music from the commandline

kew is a commandline music player. It supports gapless playback, displaying album covers as ASCII art or as a normal image, and 24-bit audio. Saving a current selection of songs as m3u is also supported.


Node.js module that implements the editor state for libjs-codemirror

node-codemirror-state (@codemirror/state) implements the editor state data structures for the CodeMirror code editor (libjs-codemirror).


Bouncy Castle ASN.1 Extension and Utility APIs

The Bouncy Castle Java APIs for ASN.1 extension and utility APIs used to support bcpkix and bctls.