
InfluxDB 2.0 Python client library

Client library for use with InfluxDB 2.x and Flux. InfluxDB 3.x users should instead use the lightweight v3 client library (influxdb3-python). InfluxDB 1.x users should use the v1 client library (influxdb-python). For ease of migration and a consistent query and write experience, v2 users should consider using InfluxQL and the v1 client library (influxdb-python).


interactive shell for Catmandu

Catmandu::Cmd::repl provides an interactive shell for Catmandu, commonly known as a REPL - Read, Evaluate, Print, Loop.


Catmandu modules to import data from the CrossRef API

Catmandu::CrossRef provides modules to import data from the CrossRef API.


Kodi integration for bsnes-mercury accuracy core

This package contains the appropriate Kodi configuration to allow the use of the bsnes-mercury accuracy libretro core with Kodi via kodi-game-libretro.


Python support for the NEURON modeling language engine

The NMODL Framework is a code generation engine for the NEURON MODeling Language (NMODL).


Kodi integration for bsnes-mercury performance core

This package contains the appropriate Kodi configuration to allow the use of the bsnes-mercury performance libretro core with Kodi via kodi-game-libretro.