
configuration tool for Harmony remotes - runtime libraries

The Logitech Harmony is a highly configurable universal IR remote control compatible with most multimedia devices. The concordance software suite allows you to program such remotes using a configuration object retrieved from the website.


X-ray ray-trace simulation - runner

McXtrace is a tool for carrying out highly complex Monte Carlo ray-tracing simulations of X-ray beamlines to high precision. The simulations can compute all aspects of the performance of instruments and can thus be used to optimize the use of existing equipment, design new instrumentation, and carry out virtual experiments for e.g. training, experimental planning or data analysis.


X-ray ray-trace simulation - documentation browser

McXtrace is a tool for carrying out highly complex Monte Carlo ray-tracing simulations of X-ray beamlines to high precision. The simulations can compute all aspects of the performance of instruments and can thus be used to optimize the use of existing equipment, design new instrumentation, and carry out virtual experiments for e.g. training, experimental planning or data analysis.


customizable graphical process/system monitor for the terminal

bottom (executable name btm) is a customizable graphical process/system monitor for the terminal, inspired by gtop, gotop, and htop.


GNU C++ compiler for the host architecture

This is the GNU C++ compiler, a fairly portable optimizing compiler for C++.


ASN.1 OID data type for PostgreSQL

This plugin provides the necessary support functions to store ASN.1 OIDs in a PostgreSQL database.