
sparse array storage library for genomics (Java native bindings)

GenomicsDB is built on top of a htslib fork and an internal array storage system for importing, querying and transforming variant data. Variant data is sparse by nature (sparse relative to the whole genome) and using sparse array data stores is a perfect fit for storing such data.


Perl interface to the Argon2 key derivation functions

The Crypt::Argon2 implements the Argon2 key derivation function, which is suitable to convert any password into a cryptographic key. This is most often used to secure storage of passwords but can also be used to derive a encryption key from a password. It offers variable time and memory costs as well as output size.


Copr projects keyrings

this keys are coming from COPR repositories


Phobos D standard library (runtime library)

This is the Phobos standard library that comes with the D2 compiler.


Easy, fast and secure way to build Debian packages

Debcraft is a tool to build Debian packages as easily as possible. It uses Podman/Docker to automatically create a hermetic network-less build container based on the distribution defined in the source package debian/changelog with the dependencies defined in debian/control. Users don't need to manually create nor update root filesystems. If there is no source package, Debcraft will even automatically download it.


Library to communicate with Mill heaters

This library provides functionality to control Mill heaters and retrieve measured temperatures from them. It supports both cloud and local access, though local access is restricted to Generation 3 heaters sold from Autumn 2021. Users can set room temperatures for comfort, sleep, and away modes through the Mill app.