
Python package for querying the RIVM Stookalert API

This library allows interaction with the RIVM Stookalert API to retrieve data about unfavorable weather conditions or poor air quality. The primary goal is to inform users when the RIVM issues a stookalert, advising against wood burning to prevent potential health problems in the area. The data obtained can be seamlessly integrated into various applications to monitor and respond to air quality alerts.


Create a custom 404 page with absolute URLs hardcoded

sphinx-notfound-page is a Sphinx extension to create custom 404 pages and help you to generate proper resource links (js, css, images, etc) to render the page properly.


software Smart Amp implementation

speakersafetyd is a userspace daemon that implements an analogue of the Texas Instruments Smart Amp speaker protection model.


Library for retrieving data from Tile Bluetooth trackers

This library allows interaction with Tile Bluetooth trackers by communicating with the unofficial Tile API. It enables users to access information such as the last known location of their Tiles. Leveraging cloud polling, the library fetches details like latitude, longitude, and the status of each tracker. Additionally, it offers functionalities to manage these devices, including updating their information and retrieving historical data for premium users.


Library to retrieve data from

This library allows users to collect and manage information from WEG solar energy inverters through the Sun WEG platform. It logs into the Sun WEG account to access data from specific plants and inverters, creating sensors to track their performance. By collecting details about each inverter and its components, this library helps in monitoring solar energy production and ensuring optimal system functionality.


PostgreSQL Workload Analyzer -- PostgreSQL 17 extension

PoWA is a PostgreSQL Workload Analyzer that gathers performance stats and provides real-time charts and graphs to help monitor and tune your PostgreSQL servers. This package contains the core extension of the PoWA project, the archivist.