
Linux IMA Extended Verification Module signing tools - library

Linux kernel integrity subsystem is comprised of a number of different components including the Integrity Measurement Architecture (IMA), Extended Verification Module (EVM), IMA-appraisal extension, digital signature verification extension and audit measurement log support.


Linux kernel specific documentation for version 5.16

This package provides the various README files and HTML documentation for the Linux kernel version 5.16. Plenty of information, including the descriptions of various kernel subsystems, filesystems, driver-specific notes and the like. An index to the documentation is installed as /usr/share/doc/linux-doc-5.16/html/index.html.


Derive KnownNat constraints from other KnownNat constraints; profiling libraries

A type checker plugin for GHC that can derive "complex" KnownNat constraints from other simple/variable KnownNat constraints. i.e. without this plugin, you must have both a KnownNat n and a KnownNat (n+2) constraint in the type signature of the following function:


Utility library for display information - runtime files

The gnome-desktop set of libraries provides various utility functions that are used in multiple components of the GNOME desktop, but do not have a sufficiently stable API to be included in core libraries such as GLib and GTK.


Utility library for background images - runtime files

The gnome-desktop set of libraries provides various utility functions that are used in multiple components of the GNOME desktop, but do not have a sufficiently stable API to be included in core libraries such as GLib and GTK.


Ignition Physics classes and functions for robot apps - TPE library

Ignition Physics is a component in the ignition framework, a set of libraries designed to rapidly develop robot applications.