
pybuild autopkgtest test runner (metapackage)

This package depends on the packages required to run pybuild-autopkgtest, a pybuild-based autopkgtest test runner. pybuild-autopkgtest will run the same test suite that regular pybuild runs during build time, but against the installed packages and without doing a build first.


Debian helper tools for packaging Python libraries using PEP517

This metapackage depends on the components necessary for building packages with the generic PEP517 build plugin.


Extension for colcon to find pkg-config files

This package is part of Robot OS version 2 (ROS2). It extends colcon, the meta build tool used in ROS2, by setting an environment variable to find pkg-config files.
vector font similar to ROM font of Commodore 64


vector font similar to ROM font of Commodore 64

Inspired by the article Raster CRT Typography (According to DEC) by Norbert Landsteiner, these fonts were reworked on some old pixel versions of the Commodore 64 and Amiga Workbench. The author had done years ago to include variable font axes for the size of the horizontal scanlines and the amount of horizontal bleed of the pixels due to the phosphor latency found in CRT displays.


library for using parallel (OpenMPI) version of meep

Meep is a free and open-source software package for electromagnetics simulation via the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method.


library for using parallel (OpenMPI) version of meep

Meep is a free and open-source software package for electromagnetics simulation via the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method.