
Rime Input Method Engine schema data - Wubi

RIME is the acronym of Rime Input Method Engine.


Global Positioning System - Qt wrapper for libgps

The gpsd service daemon can monitor one or more GPS devices connected to a host computer, making all data on the location and movements of the sensors available to be queried on TCP port 2947.


C++ wrapper library for GPGME

GpgME++ (aka GpgMEpp) is a C++ wrapper (or C++ bindings) for the GnuPG project's GPGME (GnuPG Made Easy) library.


Clipboard management system for GNOME - library

GPaste manages clipboard history and allows easy access to it using keyboard shortcuts, gnome-shell extension, command-line tools, gir bindings.


Highlight select fragments of texts in React

Highlight select fragments of a string using an HTML element and/or a class.


INDI driver for NexDome

This package contains an INDI driver for NexDome. NexDome is a 2.4m personal observatory dome with optional automation controls.