
C++ network libraries for rapid application development

WvStreams is a library suite that is comprised of several parts. Included in the base package are: * WvString: a convenient and efficient C++ string class * WvList: an easy-to-use linked list * WvHashTable: an efficient and easy-to-use hash table * WvFile: a WvStream wrapper for handling files * WvStreamClone: a base class which makes writing your own WvStreams easy * WvLog: a log files handler * UniIniGen: a tiny version of UniConf for simple configuration systems


asyncio-based library for the ReCollect Waste API

Aiorecollect is a Python 3, asyncio-based library for the ReCollect Waste API. It allows users to programmatically retrieve schedules for waste removal in their area, including trash, recycling, compost, and more.


universal hardware driver for Ettus Research products - library

Host library for the Universal Hardware Driver for Ettus Research products.


another pure Python implementation of the python-smbus package

Currently supported features are: Get i2c capabilities (I2C_FUNCS) SMBus Packet Error Checking (PEC) support read_byte write_byte read_byte_data write_byte_data read_word_data write_word_data read_i2c_block_data write_i2c_block_data write_quick process_call read_block_data write_block_data block_process_call i2c_rdwr - combined write/read transactions with repeated start


GNU Modula-2 standard library (runtime library)

This is the GNU Modula-2 standard library that comes with the gm2 compiler.


Symfony Yunpian Notifier Bridge

The Symfony Yunpian Notifier Bridge provides Yunpian integration for Symfony Notifier.