
interval arithmetic for Coq

This package provides tactics to simplify the proof of inequalities on expressions of real numbers.


Click with option groups

Cloup enriches Click with several features that make it more expressive and configurable: * option groups and an (optional) help section for positional arguments * constraints, like mutually_exclusive, that can be applied to option groups or to any group of parameters, even conditionally subcommand aliases * subcommands sections, i.e. the possibility to organize the subcommands of a Group in multiple help sections * a themeable HelpFormatter that: - has more parameters for adjusting widths and spacing, which can be provided at the context and command level use a different layout when the terminal width is below a certain threshold in order to improve readability - suggestions like "did you mean <subcommand>?" when you mistype a subcommand Moreover, Cloup improves on IDE support providing decorators with detailed type hints and adding the static methods Context.settings() and HelpFormatter.settings() for creating dictionaries of settings.


Coq tactic to use Gappa for floating-point goals

This package provides a Coq tactic to discharge goals about floating-point arithmetic and round-off errors to Gappa.


C++ Runtime API and Kernel Language for AMD and NVIDIA GPUs

HIP (Heterogeneous Interface for Portability) is a C++ Runtime API and Kernel Language that allows developers to create portable applications for AMD and NVIDIA GPUs from single source code.


Empire Building Game (AI module), C-evo: Distant Horizon

A civilization style, turn based strategy game, of the Civ II era.


CLI tool and Python utility functions for manipulating SQLite

Feature highlights: