
WebKitGTK WebDriver support

WebKit is a web content engine, derived from KHTML and KJS from KDE, and used primarily in Apple's Safari browser. It is made to be embedded in other applications, such as mail readers, or web browsers.


library for cameras made by Moravian Instruments

This package contains the libraries to support cameras made by Moravian Instruments.


tool for REUSE copyright and license recommendations

Managing copyright and licensing is difficult, especially when reusing software from different projects that are released under various different licenses. REUSE was started by the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) to provide a set of recommendations to make licensing your Free Software projects easier. Not only do these recommendations make it easier for you to declare the licenses under which your works are released, but they also make it easier for a computer to understand how your project is licensed.


Utilities for handling packages

Module developed with the aim of assisting the developer in managing packages with the following functions: - Returns the web links for the given project. - Useful for creating and verifying sha256 checksums of files. - Useful for working with trove classifiers. - Useful for working with the Python Package Index (PyPI). - Useful for working with PEP 508 requirements. - Useful for working with source distributions. - Serves to assist in building conda packages. - Returns the subset of versions that do not end with -dev. - Returns the subset of versions that are not pre-releases (alpha, beta, dev, rc etc.). packages. - Reads the pyvenv.cfg for the given virtualenv and returns a key: value mapping of your content. - among other features.


library for Player One Astronomy's Cameras

This package contains software that is the secondary software development kit (SDK) for the astronomy cameras made by Player One Astronomy Co., Ltd.


single-dispatch JSON encoder for Python

Module uses functools.singledispatch to support custom encoders for Python built-in classes and user-created classes.