
Automatic generation of proofs of arithmetic properties

Tool to help verify and prove properties on numerical programs dealing with either fixed-point or floating-point arithmetic.


get your external ip from multiple services (program)

This package is a Golang library to get your external ip from multiple services.


Shared Python runtime library (version 3.11)

Python is a high-level, interactive, object-oriented language. Its 3.11 version includes an extensive class library with lots of goodies for network programming, system administration, sounds and graphics.


Minimal subset of the Python language (version 3.13)

This package contains the interpreter and some essential modules. It can be used in the boot process for some basic tasks. See /usr/share/doc/python3.13-minimal/README.Debian for a list of the modules contained in this package.


Shared libraries for DOLFIN

DOLFIN is the Python and C++ interface of the FEniCS project for the automated solution of differential equations, providing a consistent PSE (Problem Solving Environment) for solving ordinary and partial differential equations. Key features include a simple, consistent and intuitive object-oriented API; automatic and efficient evaluation of variational forms; automatic and efficient assembly of linear systems; and support for general families of finite elements.


Use pandoc types in Lua; profiling libraries

This package provides functions to marshal and unmarshal pandoc document types to and from Lua.