
high performance subdivision surface (subdiv) library - CPU runtime

OpenSubdiv is a set of open source libraries that implement high performance subdivision surface (subdiv) evaluation on massively parallel CPU and GPU architectures. This codepath is optimized for drawing deforming subdivs with static topology at interactive framerates. The resulting limit surface matches Pixar's Renderman to numerical precision.


Arm NN Core and all backends

Arm NN is a set of tools that enables machine learning workloads on any hardware. It provides a bridge between existing neural network frameworks and whatever hardware is available and supported. On arm architectures (arm64 and armhf) it utilizes the Arm Compute Library to target Cortex-A CPUs, Mali GPUs and Ethos NPUs as efficiently as possible. On other architectures/hardware it falls back to unoptimised functions.


Expect tests in Python (also known as "golden" tests)

This library implements expect tests (also known as "golden" tests). Expect tests are a method of writing tests where instead of hard-coding the expected output of a test, you run the test to get the output, and the test framework automatically populates the expected output. If the output of the test changes, you can rerun the test with the environment variable EXPECTTEST_ACCEPT=1 to automatically update the expected output.


GNU Ada compiler for the mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 architecture

GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).


Generic queue for PostgreSQL

This extension provides generic queues for PostgreSQL.


test simple unix commands

Test2::Tools::Command tests that commands given particular arguments result in particular outputs by way of the exit status word, standard output, and standard error. Various parameters to the command function alter exactly how this is done, in addition to variables that can be set.