
Syntax highlighting Engine (QML module)

This is a stand-alone implementation of the Kate syntax highlighting engine. It's meant as a building block for text editors as well as for simple highlighted text rendering (e.g. as HTML), supporting both integration with a custom editor as well as a ready-to-use QSyntaxHighlighter sub-class.


Syntax highlighting Engine

This is a stand-alone implementation of the Kate syntax highlighting engine. It's meant as a building block for text editors as well as for simple highlighted text rendering (e.g. as HTML), supporting both integration with a custom editor as well as a ready-to-use QSyntaxHighlighter sub-class.


Qt library to query and control hardware

Solid is a device integration framework. It provides a way of querying and interacting with hardware independently of the underlying operating system.


barcode API for Qt

prison is a barcode API currently offering a nice Qt API to produce QRCode barcodes and DataMatrix barcodes, and can easily be made to support more.


barcode API for Qt

prison is a barcode API currently offering a nice Qt API to produce QRCode barcodes and DataMatrix barcodes, and can easily be made support more.


QML module for kwindowsystem

The class KWindowSystem provides information about the state of the window manager and allows asking the window manager to change them using a more high-level interface than the NETWinInfo/NETRootInfo low level classes.