
Kubernetes metadata support for rsyslog

These plugins allow rsyslog to augment syslog messages with Kubernetes metadata.


HDF5 High Level C++ runtime files - OpenMPI version - unsupported

Hierarchical Data Format 5 (HDF5) is a file format and library for storing scientific data. HDF5 was designed and implemented to address the deficiencies of HDF4.x. It has a more powerful and flexible data model, supports files larger than 2 GB, and supports parallel I/O.


Python library and client for interacting with receptor daemon

This provides the Python library and command-line client to interact with receptor over its control socket interface.


embed typed ASN.1 grammars in OCaml (runtime files)

Asn1-combinators is a library for expressing ASN.1 in OCaml. Skip the notation part of ASN.1, and embed the abstract syntax directly in the language. These abstract syntax representations can be used for parsing, serialization, or random testing.


Plugin to fake subprocess for pytest

The plugin adds the ``fake_process`` fixture (and ``fp`` as an alias). It can be used it to register subprocess results so you won't need to rely on the real processes. The plugin hooks on the ``subprocess.Popen()``, which is the base for other subprocess functions. That makes the ````, ````, ``subprocess.check_call()`` and ``subprocess.check_output()`` methods also functional.


Library for interacting with the Mailgun API

This library provides functionality for sending emails through Mailgun's API. It allows you to easily integrate Mailgun's email capabilities into your applications by providing methods to send emails, handle webhooks, and manage your Mailgun configuration.