
Perl client for Apache Kafka

Net::Kafka provides Perl bindings to the librdkafka C client library.


convert cron expressions into human readable strings (Python3 version)

A Python library that converts cron expressions into human readable strings.


command-line tool to delete merged git branches

A convenient command-line tool helping you keep repositories clean.


Intel RenderKit common C++/CMake infrastructure

This project represents a common set of C++ infrastructure and CMake utilities used by various components of Intel oneAPI Rendering Toolkit.


Hatch metadata plugin for fancy PyPI READMEs

This plugin is for everyone who cares about the first impression of their project’s PyPI landing page. It allows you to define your PyPI project description in terms of concatenated fragments that are based on static strings, files, and most importantly: parts of files defined using cut-off points or regular expressions.


Scalable Library for Eigenvalue Problem Computations

SLEPc is a software library for the solution of large scale sparse eigenvalue problems on parallel computers. It is an extension of PETSc and can be used for either standard or generalized eigenproblems, with real or complex arithmetic. It can also be used for computing a partial SVD of a large, sparse, rectangular matrix.