
Zild Database Library [runtime]

A small and easy to use database API written in C.


schema and toolkit for managing CIF files in XML

CIFXML applies the XML strategies and technologies to create a general interface for processing CIF documents that conform to the CIF syntax and DDL1. Both a DTD and an XML schema for CIFs are presented. CIFs can be read, edited, validated syntactically, sorted, normalized, filtered, stored as an XML document object model, transformed and output. CIFXOM provides an easy way of converting CIFs to XML and vice versa using Java.


Data Plane Development Kit (librte-hash runtime library)

DPDK is a set of libraries for fast packet processing. Applications run in user-space and communicate directly with dedicated network interfaces.


Data Plane Development Kit (librte-ipsec runtime library)

DPDK is a set of libraries for fast packet processing. Applications run in user-space and communicate directly with dedicated network interfaces.


pass support for wofi using wtype

A script using wofi and wtype to provide a completely Wayland-native way to conveniently use pass. It provides the same search that passmenu does, but shows a second dialogue that lets the user choose which field to copy/print.


Data Plane Development Kit (librte-jobstats runtime library)

DPDK is a set of libraries for fast packet processing. Applications run in user-space and communicate directly with dedicated network interfaces.