
atomic-scale 3D modeling toolbox

Atomes is a tool box to analyze (physico-chemical properties calculations), visualize (atoms, bonds, colormaps, measurements, coordination polyedra ...) create (crystal builder, molecular library, surface creation and passivation ...) 3D atomistic models. Atomes offers a workspace capable of handling many projects opened simultaneously. The different projects in the workspace can exchange data: analysis results, atomic coordinates... Atomes also provides an advanced input preparation system for further calculations using well known molecular dynamics codes: Classical MD: DLPOLY and LAMMPS - ab-initio MD: CPMD and CP2K - QM-MM MD: CPMD and CP2K To prepare the input files for these calculations is likely to be the key, and most complicated step towards MD simulations. Atomes offers a user-friendly assistant to help and guide the scientist step by step to achieve this crucial step.


Shared Python runtime library (version 3.12)

Python is a high-level, interactive, object-oriented language. Its 3.12 version includes an extensive class library with lots of goodies for network programming, system administration, sounds and graphics.


GTK4 utility library for evolution data servers

The data server, called "Evolution Data Server" is responsible for managing calendar and addressbook information.


sch-rnd executable with the core functionality and boxsym-rnd

Includes the data model, the most common action commands, the native file format. Can be used in headless mode or batch/scripted mode for automated processing or with GUI (if sch-rnd-lib-gui and librnd GUI HIDs are installed).


Debug and diagnostics.

Extra action commands to help in debugging and diagnosing problems and bugs.


Export formats: special/extra

Less commonly used export formats: abstract model text export, direct printing with lpr.