
GNU Objective-C++ compiler for the powerpc64-linux-gnu architecture

This is the GNU Objective-C++ compiler for the powerpc64-linux-gnu architecture, which compiles Objective-C++ on platforms supported by the gcc compiler. It uses the gcc backend to generate optimized code.


GAP computer algebra system, compiler and development files

GAP is a system for computational discrete algebra, with particular emphasis on Computational Group Theory. GAP provides a programming language, a library of thousands of functions implementing algebraic algorithms written in the GAP language as well as large data libraries of algebraic objects. GAP is used in research and teaching for studying groups and their representations, rings, vector spaces, algebras, combinatorial structures, and more.


Command line client for LibreSpeed

librespeed-cli allows you to measure your internet speed via LibreSpeeds servers.


Basic idea here is to make transport-independent command sender/parser and a dev

New asyncio version. Only for Python 3.5 and above. Since all the other wrappers either require VISA binary or are not generic (and do not implement the device in need). Basic idea here is to make transport-independent command sender/parser and a device baseclass that implements the common SCPI commands. A device specific implementation can then add the device-specific commands.


shared libraries of ns-3

ns-3 is a discrete-event network simulator for Internet systems, targeted primarily for research and educational use. ns-3 is free software, licensed under the GNU GPLv2 license, and is publicly available for research, development, and use. ns-3 is intended as an eventual replacement for the popular ns-2 simulator. The project acronym “nsnam” derives historically from the concatenation of ns (network simulator) and NAM (network animator).


QEMU full system emulation binaries (OpenGL display modules)

This package provides optional OpenGL display support modules for QEMU full system emulation (qemu-system-*) packages. It also provides D-Bus display type.