
lightweight console printing and formatting toolkit for Python3

This package is still a work in progress and aims to bundle those utilities in a standardised way so they can be shared across several other projects like for instance spaCy. It's super lightweight, has zero dependencies.


easy throttling with asyncio support for Python3

Zero-dependency Python package for easy throttling with asyncio support.


Plasma mobile Environment -- phone components

These are the phone-related components of the Plasma shell for mobile devices.


Terminal Interface Construction KIT

This library provides an abstracted mechanism for building interactive full-screen terminal programs. It provides a full set of output drawing functions, and handles keyboard and mouse input events.


Node.js module that compiles sync functions into async functions

node-degenerator takes a String to one or more synchronous JavaScript functions, and returns a new String that with those JS functions transpiled into async functions.


HTTP(s) proxy http.Agent implementation for HTTP

node-http-proxy-agent provides an http.Agent implementation that connects to a specified HTTP or HTTPS proxy server, and can be used with the built-in http module.