
gnuradio vocoder functions

Library of vocoder blocks, including ulaw, alaw, gsm and codec2. Debian uses external libraries for gsm and codec2.


gnuradio zeromq functions

0MQ messaging library support. Provide network socket endpoints for gnuradio data and message streams. PUB/SUB, PUSH/PULL, REP/REQ models supported.


Performance Co-Pilot graphical client tools library

The libpcp-gui package contains the runtime environment required by any monitoring tool that makes use of the time control services of pmtime(1).


KDE's Pipewire libraries - libkpipewirerecord5

Components for rendering and recording PipeWire streams using Qt.


Utility classes and constants to facilitate using PSR-7

This library holds utility classes and constants to facilitate using PSR-7. The primary purpose is to provide constants for referring to request methods, response status codes and messages, and potentially common headers.


In-memory filesystem with Node's API

Implements Node's fs API