visual servoing platform gui library
This package contains the ViSP (Visual Servoing Platform) graphical user
interface (GUI) runtime library.
Utility for handling ZIP, Tar and LHA archives
ofarc is a multi-format archive utility that allows creating, listing,
extracting and modifying ZIP, Tar and LHA archives using ObjFW's classes for
various archive types.
Utility for performing DNS requests on the command line
ofdns is an utility for performing DNS requests on the command line using
ObjFW's DNS resolver.
Utility to hash files with various cryptographic hash functions
ofhash is an utility to hash files with various cryptographic hash functions
(even using different algorithms at once) using ObjFW's classes for various
cryptographic hashes.
memory-based tagger-generator and tagger - runtime
MBT is a memory-based tagger-generator and tagger in one. The tagger-generator
part can generate a sequence tagger on the basis of a training set of tagged
sequences; the tagger part can tag new sequences. MBT can, for instance, be
used to generate part-of-speech taggers or chunkers for natural language