
gnuradio trellis modulation functions

Library for trellis coding modulation, including the Viterbi Algorithm, Concatenated Coding and Turbo Decoding based upon finite state machine (FSM) class. Part of the main gnuradio build.


gnuradio universal hardware driver functions

The gnuradio interface to the UHD library to connect to and send and receive data between to the Ettus Research, LLC product line - including the USRP family of software radio peripheral devices. Part of the main gnuradio build.


gnuradio wavelet functions

Library of Daubechies wavelet function blocks. wvps computes the Wavelet Power Spectrum from a set of wavelet coefficients.


ACE-GUI reactor integration for FOX

Recognizing the need to write reactor-based GUI applications, the ACE community has created several reactor extensions for use with X Window System. Each of these extends the ACE_Select_Reactor to work with a specific toolkit. By using these reactors, your GUI application can remain single threaded yet still respond to both GUI events, such as button presses, and your own application events.


Node.js module to provide CSS grammar for the lezer parser system

The problem of parsing structured text has resisted one-size-fits all solutions for over 60 years. Lezer isn't such a solution either, but it is a very decent parser generator, especially well suited for use in code editors.


gnuradio zeromq functions

0MQ messaging library support. Provide network socket endpoints for gnuradio data and message streams. PUB/SUB, PUSH/PULL, REP/REQ models supported.