
Qt 6 Wayland ShellIntegration library

Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature is its rich set of widgets that provide standard GUI functionality.


Generic queue for PostgreSQL

This extension provides generic queues for PostgreSQL.


Arm NN Core and all backends

Arm NN is a set of tools that enables machine learning workloads on any hardware. It provides a bridge between existing neural network frameworks and whatever hardware is available and supported. On arm architectures (arm64 and armhf) it utilizes the Arm Compute Library to target Cortex-A CPUs, Mali GPUs and Ethos NPUs as efficiently as possible. On other architectures/hardware it falls back to unoptimised functions.


GNU Common Lisp compiler

GNU Common Lisp (GCL) is a Common Lisp compiler and interpreter implemented in C, and complying mostly with the standard set forth in the book "Common Lisp, the Language I". It attempts to strike a useful middle ground in performance and portability from its design around C.


bounded model checker for Java programs

JBMC generates traces that demonstrate how an assertion can be violated, or proves that the assertion cannot be violated within a given number of loop iterations.


GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection (base package)

This package contains files common to all languages and libraries contained in the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).