
Asynchronous client for the Tailscale API

This library allows for programmatic control and monitoring of Tailscale clients. It provides an asynchronous interface to interact with the Tailscale API, enabling operations such as fetching the state of devices within a Tailscale VPN network. The library makes it easier to integrate Tailscale functionality into other applications by offering various methods to manage and query Tailscale networks and devices. This includes obtaining a list of devices, checking their status, and performing other actions that can be automated through the Tailscale API.


Asynchronous requests to Twinkly LED devices

This library enables asynchronous interaction with Twinkly LED string lights. It allows users to send commands to their Twinkly devices, manage effects, and control lighting configurations. Users can switch between static colors and effects, and toggle their Twinkly lights on and off through asynchronous requests. It also supports the creation of loadable movies and realtime sequences, making it versatile for various lighting setups and displays.


Asynchronous client for AirGradient devices

This library allows for fetching data from AirGradient devices, providing access to a range of environmental sensors. It can retrieve information such as carbon dioxide levels, humidity, nitrogen index, particulate matter densities of various sizes, and more. Additionally, it supports configuration entities that let users customize their AirGradient devices, including adjusting display settings and toggling various features.


Asynchronous client for Twente Milieu waste collection API

This library provides an asynchronous client for interacting with the Twente Milieu waste collection API. It allows users to programmatically request waste pickup days for various types of waste, such as plastic, organic, paper, non- recyclable, and Christmas trees. The library communicates with Twente Milieu’s systems to fetch and deliver precise waste collection schedules tailored to specific addresses. It is especially useful for automating notifications and integrations with other services that depend on timely waste collection data.


Asynchronous client for retrieving RDW vehicle information

This library interacts with the RDW (Netherlands Vehicle Authority) to retrieve detailed information about vehicles using their license plates. It provides access to open data from RDW, which includes vehicle registration, licensing, and inspection details. The data can be beneficial for tracking important vehicle information such as inspection due dates and other key attributes. The library uses asynchronous programming for efficient data handling and is designed to be straightforward to integrate with other systems.


Library to interface with STALL WIFFI devices

This library allows users to interface with devices from STALL WIFFI, such as Weatherman and Rainyman. It enables Home Assistant to connect directly with these devices by opening a TCP server socket to listen for incoming JSON telegrams. The library handles the communication with the WIFFI devices, including receiving data and converting it into readable metrics.