
space-efficient bit vectors; profiling libraries

A newtype over 'Bool' with a better 'Vector' instance: 8x less memory, up to 3500x faster.


Fortran compiler

Ground-up implementation of a Fortran front end written in modern C++.


library to read, parse and export to PDF SVG files

The main purpose of this lib is to rasterize SVG to a surface which can be an image or a PDF for example, through a \Svg\Surface PHP interface.


Collection of ported stream language modes for the CodeMirror code editor

CodeMirror is a code editor component for the web. It can be used in websites to implement a text input field with support for many editing features, and has a rich programming interface to allow further extension.


Node.js fast library for computing the Voronoi diagram

node-d3-delaunay is a fast library for computing the Voronoi diagram of a set of two-dimensional points. It is based on included node-delaunator, a fast library for computing the Delaunay triangulation using sweep algorithms. The Voronoi diagram is constructed by connecting the circumcenters of adjacent triangles in the Delaunay triangulation.


Extended geographic projections for node-d3-geo

node-d3-geo-projection provides extended geographic projections for node-d3-geo.