
Common Print Dialog Backends - Print-to-File Backend

This is the Print-to-File backend for print dialogs using the Common Print Dialog Backends concept of OpenPrinting. It makes the dialog list one single print queue and if you print to it, the data is put into a PDF file and not sent to a printer.


DNS zone-parsing shared library from Knot DNS

Knot DNS is a fast, authoritative only, high performance, feature full and open source name server.


real Embedded Algebraic Number Theory In C/C++ - libs

E-ANTIC is a C/C++ mathematical library to deal with real embedded number fields built on top of ANTIC; ANTIC is an Algebraic Number Theory library In C <https://github.com/wbhart/antic>. The aim of the E-ANTIC library is to have as fast as possible exact arithmetic operations and comparisons.


SIP stack from the Linphone team

Belle-Sip is a new SIP stack (RFC3261) developed by the Linphone team.


module providing a modern interface to write CGI scripts

CGI::Tiny provides a modern interface to write CGI scripts to dynamically respond to HTTP requests as defined in RFC 3875. It is intended to be:


Wayfire Config Manager

Wayfire Config Manager is a Gtk3 application to configure wayfire. It writes the config file that wayfire reads to update option values.