
additional Emacs Lisp libraries for Org-mode

This package supplies the Emacs Lisp libraries that were part of Org-mode's contrib/ directory prior to the Org-9.5 release. These user-contributed addons mostly integrate Org-mode with other tools, both inside and outside of Emacs. There are also some additions to Org-mode's core functionality.


ACE SAX based XML parsing library

This package provides interfaces for XML parsing based on Simple API for XML (SAX) 2.0, defined by David Megginson. This is an event-driven parsing approach.


ACE scheduling and dispatching library

Kokyu is a library designed to provide flexible scheduling and dispatching services.


tool for semantic text-mining in chemistry

ChemicalTagger parser is a medium-depth, phrase-based semantic NLP tool for the language of chemical experiments. Tagging is based on a modular architecture and uses a combination of OSCAR, domain-specific regex and English taggers to identify parts-of-speech. The ANTLR grammar is used to structure this into tree-based phrases.


SI Units for PostgreSQL

postgresql-unit implements a PostgreSQL datatype for SI units, plus byte. The base units can be combined to named and unnamed derived units using operators defined in the PostgreSQL type system. SI prefixes are used for input and output, and quantities can be converted to arbitrary scale.


Fakebit music tracker

This is a fakebit tracker written in C using SDL2 that the author began working on in 2014 to learn DSP programming. It can handle 6 channels, and is similar to other tracker like music creation software.