
Procedural language interface between PostgreSQL and R

R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics, providing a wide variety of statistical and graphical techniques (linear and nonlinear modelling, statistical tests, time series analysis, classification, clustering, and so on).


FreeRDP x11 shadowing server

FreeRDP is a libre client/server implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).


CLI to run Python scripts and create CLI applications

Typer is a library for building command-line interface (CLI) applications based on Python type hints. It's also a command line tool to run scripts, automatically converting them to CLI applications.


Runtime library for GNU Go applications

Library needed for GNU Go applications linked against the shared library.


RDP client for Windows Terminal Services (SDL client)

FreeRDP is a libre client/server implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).


Find usernames across social networks

Sherlock relies on the site's designers providing a unique URL for a registered username. To determine if a username is available, Sherlock queries that URL, and uses to response to understand if there is a claimed username already there.